something interesting...

I noticed something really interesting...

Since I started on Silver8, I saw that my greys are not growing as fast as they used to. In the past, the saloon was a monthly affair. Yes, that was how fast my greys would re-emerged after I tinted them.

I seriously did not mind going there to doll myself up and look pretty but the monthly visits were too much. My hair was dry and brittle and I knew that the colouring wasn't a permanent solution. (Or it did seem so at that point in time.) My love affair with my hair saloon began 4 years ago. 

The last time I paid my hair stylist a visit was 14 February and it has been 2 weeks. In the past, I would be peering into the mirror by this time and frowning at my hair because the greys would be sprouting again and I would be lamenting and planning when the next visit to the hair saloon would be. Yet, this morning, I looked into the mirror for a long time and though I could see a tinge of the greys, they were but a very little bit... So I am happy. :)

I will definitely continue to monitor and keep track of how long the greys take to grow this time.


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